Regain your life through discovery

High-quality, substance abuse treatment, drug intervention, and recovery support services in the Santa Maria community. Our focus is reintegration and stabilization to establish a productive member of society in a new life direction.

Regain your life through discovery

High-quality, substance abuse treatment, drug intervention, and recovery support services in the Santa Maria community. Our focus is reintegration and stabilization to establish a productive member of society in a new life direction.

Our Mission Statement

You have a Positive Purpose in life

We believe that each individual has a positive purpose in life and that clients can recognize their strengths and regain their lives through recovery. Although each client is responsible for his recovery, it is a life-long process requiring a community of support.

Part of the community for over 50 years

D&J’s owners have been residents of the community for over 50 years. We understand the generational, situational, and conditional events that have changed the fabric of our community.

Who We Are

D&J’s is a quality transitional living environment as our sober homes are clean, safe, and secure. We offer our clients an opportunity to become fully integrated into a healthy lifestyle that is based in recovery and self-improvement.

Our Goal

To offer support to our community by assisting individuals with an improved quality of life by building futures, protecting families, and embracing freedom from the bondage of addictions.


D&J’s Counseling and Support Services provides a comprehensive range of substance abuse treatment, recovery, and supportive services designed to give clients the tools for successful reintegration into society.

The foundation of recovery is SocialEmotionalSpiritualMental stability

Our residents are encouraged to demonstrate competence in self-care and personal responsibility in order to prevent a relapse in self-defeating behaviors through participation in our evidence-based and scientifically proven treatment programs.

We are waiting to give you, our client, a caring hand up from where you find yourself today

We want to speak with you about your one time dreams of a successful career that included a predictable and happy future for you and your family. 

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